Storytelling for Gaia

Welcome to our website. We are a group of passionate and visionary storytellers and we invite you into our world. Enjoy travelling with us, participate in our projects, send feedback and be the story.

Our Team

The Storytelling For Gaia team has an outstanding expertise in the field of True, Organizational and Positive Storytelling. We are known for our transdisciplinary approach, as well as our way to participate not only in Storytelling, but even more so in Storylistening and -eliciting. We enjoy embodying our stories and profoundly care for a healthy planet earth, Gaia.

”We are what we read”

While writing first was only used as tool to inform citizens about new societal rules or for accounting, we can nowadays find stories about almost everything. We find what we are looking for in articles, blogs, books, … What we read supplies us with knowledge, might influence our views on life, can support us in solving the challenges we face and has the ability to shape our personalities.

Be the story

We all have our individual story to tell. And we share the same narrative. We are all (human) beings on our beautiful planet earth. Let us not only tell our stories, let us as well listen to the others and let us elicit the stories. Let us embody the stories and let us own them, own our thoughts, words, emotions, and actions. Let us be the story.

Principles of Gaia Storytelling

Take a look a at the principles we have set for our project


See upcoming and former events


Read inspiring blog posts from our storytellers here